Zak Exposè presents the meeting of two artists, Atha and Sugar de Santo, matching necklaces with their own story, that compose the collection “PANDORA’S KEYS”, with two collections, of photography “RUSTS” and collages “THE SILENCE OF MARCEL DUCHAMP”.

This meeting occurred in Berlin, town of residence and work of both, as a match of the necklaces with rusted keys of Atha, with the photos of rusted surfaces of Sugar.

With tonight’s exhibition, this meeting is completed in the hospitable surroundings of Christos Maniatis and of Nikos Koutoumanis, of Zak Contemporary Bistrot in Thessaloniki, whom the two artists warmly wish to thank, as well as their dear friend Evi Polychroniadou for the idea and invitation to organize of the present exhibition.

Photos from the exhibition


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